Long Live Summer

Long Live Summer

You know that sense?  August creeps in. Back to school commercials start popping up on TV, the radio... now on Instagram and Facebook ads. Out of Office messages become less prevalent at work.

Summer is coming to a close, friends.  Too fast, in my opinion.

However, here at LowTides we will be focused on the mission.  Keeping those beach days alive, at least mentally. 

I am happy to announce we have finalized our selection of patterns and designs for the 2020 Season.  Check them out on the site. Preordering is now available directly.  No Kickstarter involvement necessary (Awesome!).   

Apparel is in, as you can see above, and looks great. Grab a hoodie or tee shirt.  Let’s show the world how we can build a brand with a purpose and look good while doing it.

If you think or know anyone that would appreciate our efforts, I'd ask you to please forward this email!  The more support, the more we can do together!

Good luck with all of your back to school endeavors.

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