A Note From The Founder

A Note From The Founder

I do not always practice what I preach. I'll admit it.  I use single use plastic.  It feels impossible, in today’s world, to go through life without it.

Contrary to what others say, plastic is not the devil. It’s not. I love my Tumblr glass. I hate our Ziploc food containers, stained orange from sauce. However, it has become a necessity.  I get it.  Plastic easily preserves and carries product that we all consume. It does it too well...

The goal in starting LowTides was not to paint this fake picture of the perfect life my family leads, picking up trash and swearing off plastic. I am like you. I’m tired. I want to relax on a beach or in my backyard. I sit down until, inevitably, one of my daughters forces my hand to start moving again.

My mindset these days is more, how can I grow mentally. How can I improve personally. How can I leave this world in a better place than when I was born.

That is what LowTides is to me. Educating myself on articles like the one below. We're selling a product that looks good. Something someone enjoys, finds useful, and at the same time helps our environment. Reusing what is already thereWe wanted to make it easy for those to contribute to clean our oceans. 

So... take a minute. CNN just posted a great article entitled 'How rivers became the plastic highway into the oceans'  Read it.  It encompasses a lot of the pollution problem in our waters.  How it gets there. Things the common person doesn’t think about, or know.  Educate yourself. 

We appreciate you following us here at LowTides.  Our products are on their way, so hang ten.  Pass on our email if you feel someone else might enjoy our message.  Most of all, we hope you continue to join us in our mission.  

CNN | How Rivers Become Plastic Highways

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