The Death of Recycling

The Death of Recycling

Where does your plastic go? 

You finish that gallon of milk. You put that waste into a recycling container at your home, it’s picked up and then people at a recycling plant clean it, sort it and send it to companies that are looking to gobble up this recycled plastic. Sounds about right?

Ehhh, Wrong!

‘America’s dirty secret,’ so scandalous! I just couldn’t help myself. I love a good trash scandal.

All kidding aside The Guardian did a deep dive into what is happening to our plastic waste now that China put an end to that ‘gobble up’ mindset.

It’s interesting and if anything should open your mindset on being a responsible consumer. You can set out to change the world or you can do your small part and support a brand like ours, that uses plastic already in the environment, saving it from our oceans.

Have a read. Enjoy.


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